H o m e A b o u t P r o j e c t s

$ print (Projects)


using Swift, SwiftUI, and Firebase

I am currently working on BudgetBuddy as a side project while balancing school and work. BudgetBuddy is inspired by my terrible money-spending habits on food. This app allows the user to connect all of their bank accounts together to analyze the user's money spending habits. As someone who is not the best with my personal finances, I wanted to kill two birds with one stone with this project. I hope to learn how to use Swift, SwiftUI, and Firebase, and improve my money saving tactics while completing this project.


used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Figma, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB

This project was implemented at the 2022 CodeForGood hackathon hosted by JPMorgan Chase and Co. in October 2022. During this hackathon, I was placed randomly in a group of 6 people to help a non-profit organization expand its services to urban areas. I was able to familiarize myself with the frontend website and app development concepts and learn how to work and adapt with others who have different skill sets compared to me. In the end, our project was one of the groups that won the 2022 hackathon!

amyintech (this website!)

used HTML & CSS

This website is a personal project that I hope to continue to build on throughout my career. While the site is currently running in HTML and CSS, I am actively planning to expand its capabilities and improve user experience. Through self-guided learning from YouTube videos and my internship, I hope to leverage my new skills to enhance the website with JavaScript and React in the near future.